Sarajevski ratni tunel
Sarajevski ratni tunel je naziv za tunel koji je napravljen tokom opsade Sarajeva 1993. godine. Tunel je napravljen ispod aerodromske piste i povezivao je 2 teritorije koje je držala ARBIH (Dobrinju i Butmir) pa se tako i tunel zvao "Tunel D-B". Tunel je dug oko 720 metara, a visok oko 1,5 m dok je na nekim dijelovima bio visok i do 1,8 m. Tunel se u zvaničnim razgovorima ARBIH i UN vodio pod imenom "Tunel kojeg nema". Tunel je bio najstrožija tajna Sarajeva jer pomoću tunela u Sarajevo su stizali: hrana, oružje, cigarete itd.
Tokom 1994. tunelom su postavljene male šine po kojima su išla mala kolica.
Between between May 1992 and November 1995, during the Siege of Sarajevo and in the midst of the Bosnian War the Sarajevo Tunnel was constructed by the Bosnian Army in order to link the city of Sarajevo, which was entirely cut-off by Serbian forces, with the Bosnian-held territory on the other side of the Sarajevo Airport, an area controlled by the United Nations. The tunnel linked the Sarajevo neighbourhoods of Dobrinja and Butmir, allowing food, war supplies, and humanitarian aid to come into the city, and people to get out. The tunnel was one of the major ways of bypassing the international arms embargo and providing the city defenders with weaponry.
Tuneli 1,
Bosnia and Herzegovina